Coffee: is it good or bad for you?

Coffee: is it good or bad for you?

Lets start by saying…  “coffee doesn’t have to be bad for you”. In fact – like red wine, chocolate and sleep – your morning cup of black gold can be both oh-so-good and good for you. The caffeine coffee contains stimulates the brain and nervous system, and may lower...


Moobs ­ the colloquial term for “man boobs” – this is the only form of breast health that I feel adequately qualified to talk on ­not because I have them, but because I am male. So lets chat about these interesting addendum’s to the male physique. There is a big...
Heart Disease Starts in Your Mouth

Heart Disease Starts in Your Mouth

If I were a dentist, or a cardiologist for that matter, I would start telling the truth. Heart disease starts in your mouth. Why does everyone think that heart disease runs in their family? Because for most of us, we’ve had the “family history” questions asked at...

The Brain-Body Connection

The brain is the master control system for the whole body; it sends and receives a complex frequency of signals to the body via the nervous system that dictates the function of the body. The brain is rather like an air traffic control centre; receiving information...