So lets chat about these interesting addendum’s to the male physique.

There is a big difference it seems from increased fat stores in the chest area, that results from sarcopenia in the chest (the replacement of muscle tissue with fat tissue) and what is actually gynaecomastia. Fatty tissue that forms on the chest as a result of pectoral wasting and then subsequent growth of fatty tissue in the muscle and surrounding areas is due largely in part to diet and exercise. In this case, regular exercise, appropriate nutrition and dietary hygiene is a great way to keep your chest under control. However in some cases, in approximately 1/3 of men, a hormone imbalance may occur and create a ‘rubbery’ breast tissue on the male chest. It is interesting in these cases to consider where or how this can take place and subsequently consider the possible and potential environmental triggers that can send our body off on the wrong track.

Lets consider the hormone oestrogen.

Estrogen is a powerful hormone that is predominantly associated with women, hot flashes, weight gain, osteoporosis links, moodiness, female breasts, fertility and much more. However, this very powerful hormone is also found in men. The signalling of masculinity in utero by the creation of the embryo with a XX chromosome or an XY chromosome initiates a host of cascading events that ensures the transformation of organs to the relevant sex selection in the right order. In some cases though, there remains a propensity for some men to have a little too much oestrogen activity in their body. This may be due to organ system function, genetic predetermination or in many and perhaps the bulk of cases environmental triggers.

What are these triggers then?

There are a multitude of triggers that may see men develop moobs.

Obesity – fat cell enlargement is the result of stored fuels that the body has not burned off. This is in the form of triglycerides. Subcutaneous fat cells are living tissues that receive small amounts of blood and nutrient. This means that much can be left there, and little is removed. Subcutaneous fat has long been regarded as a storage pool for toxin and metabolic waste that is difficult to move. Some of these toxins are known as obesogens and contribute to fat storage through specific triggering of the body. There is another type of fat cell in the body. Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) is a highly metabolic storage form of fuel in the body. It almost has a life of its own. It has the ability to secrete and manufacture a number of hormones including oestrogen and inflammatory chemicals that cause the body to spiral downwards in health allowing the body to store more fat. As you can see this is a cycle that is downward spiralling and the best way to avoid this is to exercise and eat appropriately to shed excess kilos.

Oestrogen mimicry – there are millions of chemicals in our environment and many of them behave in a way that negatively affect our health and wellbeing. Some of these chemicals are what are called xeno-estrogens and others are called Phyto-estrogens. Phyto meaning plant and xeno meaning synthetic. Both of these chemicals can have disastrous effects on male health if they are exposed to too much and are not able to effectively clear them from their body. These effects may range from weight gain, to fatigue, sluggishness, cancers, arthritides and other diseases of modern day living. Its certainly worth being aware of these chemicals.

Whilst much of what is in our environment we can’t control, what we can contrail – we should, and what we can do to help our body deal better with our environment, we should do too. There are 3 ways for the body to be affected by stress/subluxation. These are physical causes, emotional causes and of course chemical causes. Identifying what is driving subluxation in your nervous system and spine is our passion. Ask us for more info at your next adjustment or appointment.

Yours in great health
